Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

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Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by Rudolf »

Hallo zusammen,

mir gefiel die Idee, Off Kilter mit Enticement zu kombinieren, was erst einmal darauf hinausläuft, Samedis mit Followers of Set zu kombinieren.
Immerhin haben die beiden Clans eine Disziplin gemeinsam, Obfuscate, die aber nicht gerade einen Verteidigungsplan gegen Standardbedrohungen bereithält.

Das hier gepostete Deck kann man wohl nur schwerlich über das Level eines funktionierenden Fun-Decks erheben, aber vielleicht findet Ihr ja noch die eine oder andere schöne Idee (eine Crypt aus The Baron, Lisandro Giovanni und geeigenten Big-Cap-Vampiren, die noch nicht einmal unbedingt Setiten zu sein brauchen, sieht ja z.B. auch recht reizvoll aus) ... :wink:

Deck Name: Jo-Jo
Author: Rudolf
Description: Off Kilter für Pool-Gain und das Edge, Enticement für Pool-Damage. Wiederholen. :D
Die Temptations sind übrigens je nach Bedarf für die eigenen Vampire oder die anderer Spieler gedacht.

Crypt (Capacity min=4 max=7 avg=5.42; 12 cards)

3x Allonzo Montoya 6 ani aus OBF SER Abomination:3
1x Dedefra 5 nec obf SER Follower of Set:2
2x Elizabeth Dimitros 4 obf SER Follower of Set:3
2x George Frederick 6 nec obf FOR THN Samedi:2
1x Jorge De La Muerte, The Agent 7 cel for nec OBF THN Samedi:2
3x Lithrac 5 for thn OBF Samedi:2

Library (68 cards)

Master (13 cards)
1x Barrens, The
4x Blood Doll
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Powerbase: Montreal
2x Wash
2x Wider View

Action (23 cards)
2x Conceal
8x Enticement
8x Off Kilter
5x Temptation

Ally (1 cards)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)

Action Modifier (22 cards)
2x Cloak the Gathering
2x Elder Impersonation
3x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
5x Freak Drive
3x Lost in Crowds
3x Truth of a Thousand Lies
2x Under My Skin

Reaction (5 cards)
2x Delaying Tactics
3x On the Qui Vive

Combat (2 cards)
2x Gemini's Mirror

Combo (2 cards)
2x Swallowed by the Night

Created with Secret Library v0.9.4c. (Feb 15, 2015 22:45:55)

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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by Männele »

Auf jeden Fall lustig! :D
Ich habe noch nie etwas vergessen. Das wüsste ich.
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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by fudjo »

Might I recommend this for the crypt:

5 x Abebe (Samedi 4-cap, group 4, nec obf thn)
3 x Allonzo Montoya (Abominaton 6-cap, group 3, ani aus OBF SER)
2 x Ankh-sen-Sutekh (Setite 6-cap, group 4, obf PRE SER)
1 x Zhenga (Setite 5-cap, group 4, obf pre SER)
1 x Elizabeth Dimitros (Setite 4-cap, group 3, obf SER)

I might increase the number of Wider View to 3. And since the only Thanatosis you're using is Under My Skin, I recommend dropping those in favor of zero-cost Obfuscate stealth cards.
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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by Rudolf »

fudjo wrote:Might I recommend this for the crypt:

5 x Abebe (Samedi 4-cap, group 4, nec obf thn)
3 x Allonzo Montoya (Abominaton 6-cap, group 3, ani aus OBF SER)
2 x Ankh-sen-Sutekh (Setite 6-cap, group 4, obf PRE SER)
1 x Zhenga (Setite 5-cap, group 4, obf pre SER)
1 x Elizabeth Dimitros (Setite 4-cap, group 3, obf SER)

I might increase the number of Wider View to 3. And since the only Thanatosis you're using is Under My Skin, I recommend dropping those in favor of zero-cost Obfuscate stealth cards.
Worth considering it, of course, even though I would prefer to have at least the option for another Samedi (in this case Tanginé, since his special is somehow interesting in combination with Temptation ^^).
Would have to skip the Freak Drives then (and put in 1 or 2 more Truth of a Thousand Lies), and maybe lower the number of Off Kilter by 1 or 2.
And maybe I should skip all stealth cards that cost a blood, and diversify the stealth as much as possible.

Thanks, Ben! :D
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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by fudjo »

Rudolf wrote: Worth considering it, of course, even though I would prefer to have at least the option for another Samedi (in this case Tanginé, since his special is somehow interesting in combination with Temptation ^^).
Would have to skip the Freak Drives then (and put in 1 or 2 more Truth of a Thousand Lies), and maybe lower the number of Off Kilter by 1 or 2.
And maybe I should skip all stealth cards that cost a blood, and diversify the stealth as much as possible.

Thanks, Ben! :D
Whoops, I missed the Freak Drives. Here's the thing: you're only using the Samedi for bleeds for 1 and Off Kilter. You really should just be using the cheapest ones possible. There's also little need to pull off more than one Off Kilter in a turn. (Bleed for 1, Enticement, Off Kilter, Enticement.)

Hmm...maybe the crypt should be Allonzo, Dedefra, Elizabeth, and 5x Lithrac. Keep the Freak Drives, and then you get the chain going with only 3 vamps (and not having to use Truth 1K in the chain).
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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by fudjo »

Oh and drop the Gemini's Mirror for stealth cards. You'll avoid combat damage much more often by playing stealth. If you get rushed, 2 copies of Gemini's Mirror in your deck aren't going to save you.
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Re: Jo-Jo: Off Kilter & Enticement

Post by Rudolf »

Hier nun eine leicht modifizierte Version ... :wink:

Deck Name: Jo-Jo v1.2
Author: Rudolf

Crypt (Capacity min=4 max=7 avg=5; 12 cards)

4x Abebe 4 nec obf thn Samedi:4
3x Allonzo Montoya 6 ani aus OBF SER Abomination:3
1x Ankh-sen-Sutekh 6 obf PRE SER Follower of Set:4
2x Elizabeth Dimitros 4 obf SER Follower of Set:3
1x Tanginé 7 ani nec pot OBF THN Samedi:4
1x Zhenga 5 obf pre SER Follower of Set:4

Library (68 cards)

Master (16 cards)
1x Barrens, The
4x Blood Doll
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Failsafe
1x Giant's Blood
2x Information Highway
2x Wash
3x Wider View

Action (22 cards)
1x Conceal
7x Enticement
6x Off Kilter
1x Set's Curse
7x Temptation

Action Modifier (21 cards)
3x Cloak the Gathering
2x Domain of Evernight
2x Faceless Night
2x Forgotten Labyrinth
2x Lost in Crowds
1x Marked Path
2x Spying Mission
6x Truth of a Thousand Lies
1x Veil the Legions

Reaction (5 cards)
2x Delaying Tactics
3x On the Qui Vive

Combo (4 cards)
2x Gift of Sleep
2x Swallowed by the Night

Created with Secret Library v0.9.4c. (Feb 21, 2015 00:27:29)
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