Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Hugh Angseesing verrät im Podcast "Midnight Express", worum es bei den anstehenden Veröffentlichungen geht. ... antry-vtes

Er spricht davon, dass Black Chantry als Vorbereitung zu dieser Veröffentlichung die Karten für Giovanni, Lasombra und Followers of Set und die dazugehörigen Disziplinen durchgesehen habe.

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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Das SchreckNET rumort....

Offenbar war (versehentlich?) die Datei mit den Kartentexten still und leise erneuert worden. ... rdlist.txt
Inzwischen steht wieder die alte (noch aktuelle?) Fassung online.

Bislang gibt es hierzu noch keine offiziellen News von BCP.
Ich gehe davon aus, dass in Kürze etwas verlautbart wird - entweder eine Bestätigung oder ein Dementi. 8)

Meine Vermutung ist, dass dies Teil der Vorbereitung der Veröffentlichung auf DriveThruCards ist:
:arrow: Mir war neulich schon aufgefallen, dass die bisherigen Assamiten- und Quietus-Karten dort wieder offline genommen waren.
:arrow: Und die ersten Untersuchungen von einigen Spielern zu den in der Datei geänderten Kartentexten zeigen, dass die Änderungen anscheinend bei Karten stattfanden (stattfinden werden?), die laut früheren News (s.o.) Teil der kommenden Wiederveröffentlichungen sein sollen (es geht um Karten für Assamiten, Serpentis und Obtenebration).

Bisher von Spielern gefundene Änderungen (wie gesagt - das bleibt alles zu bestätigen!):
:arrow: Kartentexte wurden generell dem neuesten Wording angepasst, ohne dass es dadurch Änderungen der Effekte gab. Allerdings bietet dies hilfreiche Klarstellungen dazu, wie die Karte laut Regeln immer schon funktioniert hat....
:arrow: Einige Anpassungen an das neueste Wording ersetzen bisher automatische Effekte durch die schon bei den letzten Sets konsequent eingebauten "can"-Formulierungen (z.B. Form of Corruption).
:arrow: Consignment to Duat hat nun +1 stealth (statt 0).
:arrow: Divine Image kostet nun 1 Blut (statt 2).
:arrow: Edge Vitiation kostet nun 0 Blut (statt 1).
:arrow: Kali's Fang kostet nun 2 Pool (statt 3).
:arrow: Summon the Abyss kostet nun 2 Blut (statt 3).
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Aus einem Interview mit Ben Peal, VTES Lead Designer ... -darkness/
Another wave of legacy reprints is coming to Drivethrucards, as well. We’re waiting for the arrival of the printing proofs for the Followers of Set, Giovanni and Lasombra bundles. Once those are received and approved, we’ll make those bundles available immediately. Look for them towards the end of this January. Work has begun on the next wave updating templates and art as required.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange » ... cards-com/
300+ legacy Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards now on!

Yes, it is true! Black Chantry Productions are proud to tell you that we just published over 300 “legacy” Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards as print-on-demand at These cards are not fixed in decks or bundles – instead you can pick and choose freely what cards you want to get, as long as each order contains at least 10 cards.

Clans featured this time is Followers of Set, Giovanni and Lasombra, and more are coming soon. Note that all of these cards have been updated with the modern frame and current wording, and some even have brand new art!
Meine schnelle Überprüfung zu den früheren versehentlichen Spoilern ergab:
Diese hier sind in der Tat so umgesetzt worden.

:arrow: Form of Corruption hat nun die Formulierung "If your prey gets the Edge anew, you can add 1 counter to this card. "
:arrow: Consignment to Duat hat nun +1 stealth (statt 0).
:arrow: Divine Image kostet nun 1 Blut (statt 2).
:arrow: Edge Vitiation kostet nun 0 Blut (statt 1).
:arrow: Summon the Abyss kostet nun 2 Blut (statt 3).

Wenn jemand weitere geänderte Kartentexte findet - immer her damit!
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Facebook, neulich (22.01.2021)
Henrik Klippström wrote:The Assamite cards will soon be up again!
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Findige User haben heute bei Facebook darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass DriveThruCards auch eine weitere (seltene) Karte im Angebot hat, unter der Kategorie "Promo":
Asanbonsam Ghoul
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Facebook-Gruppe "Vampire: Elder Kindred Network", 24.01.21
Hardy Range wrote:Some of the cards available at DriveThruCards are now confirmed to have changed card texts 😊. When will these changes become official, and when will the official list of card texts be updated?
Vampire: The Eternal Struggle wrote:The changes become official after 30 days, just like normal. So February 22.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Facebook-Gruppe "VTES World", 29.01.21
Black Chantry Productions wrote:The Assamite Legacy single cards are up again! Now also a discount bundle - look for "VTES Assamite Cards" ... roductions.
Und ja:
:arrow: Kali's Fang kostet nun 2 Pool (statt 3).
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Facebook-Gruppe "Vampire: Elder Kindred Network", 31.01.21
Andrew Chirgwin wrote:Should we expect Legacies of Blood cards to appear in this format?
Hugh Angseesing wrote:Core clans first.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter January 2021: ... nuary-2021

470 cards were added to the VTES Legacy Card Singles at last week. Below you see a list of all that had changes. The webshop can be tricky to navigate, so as a little help a list of all cards with some additional categorization has been made available separately. Card changes of the newly added cards are tournament legal on February 22 (the csv file at will be updated by then). Below is a list of all cards with changes.

Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut: Al-Ashrad can now burn locations requiring any clan (not only Camarilla clans).
Alvaro, The Scion of Angelica: Gaining blood is now optional.
Amam the Devourer: Gaining life when burning a minion in combat is now optional.
Ambrosius, The Ferryman: Pathos counters are now removed during the unlock phase.
Antonio Delgado: Unlocking is now optional.
Canopic Jar: Now burns 1 life if the attached minion is an ally.
Consignment to Duat: Now a +1 stealth action.
Divine Image: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Donatello Giovanni: Choosing a vampire is now optional.
Edge Vitiation: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
Eyes of the Night: NEW ART.
Form of Corruption: Adding a counter is now optional.
Giovanni Acceptance: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Giuseppe, Gravedigger: Now costs no blood, instead of 1.
Heaven's Gate: Now leaves the ally in play, but removes it from combat. The ally can now be chosen in the terms of a referendum, or burned to a War Ghoul or Abomination entering play.
Ignore the Searing Flames: The outferior level works explicitly when the opposing minion strikes.
Invitation Accepted: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Jar the Soul: Now burns 1 life from the minion if it is an ally.
Kali's Fang: Now costs 2 pool.
Masquer: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Paolo Sardenzo: Gaining blood is now optional.
Path of Typhon, The: NEW ART.
Principia Discordia: The target vampire does not require to be locked.
Qadir ul-Ghani: The clan he changes to must be another clan than the clan to which he currently belongs.
Realm of the Black Sun, The: Now costs no pool, instead of 1. Gaining pool is now optional.
Retain the Quick Blood: Moving blood to the card and moving blood back to the vampire are now both optional.
Revelation of Despair: Works when blocking any minion, not only one controlled by the predator.
Revocation of Tyre: There is no longer a default sect for each clan.
Saqqaf, Keeper of the Grand Temple of Set: Gaining a pool is now optional.
Shadow Parasite: Now costs 1 blood instead of 2.
Shadowed Eyes: Burning the card costs 1 blood or life, no longer a conviction.
Spiritual Intervention: NEW ART.
Summon the Abyss: NEW ART. Now costs 2 blood instead of 3.
Summon the Serpent: Now a +1 stealth action.
Sutekh, The Dark God: Gaining a pool is now optional, but works with all mummy allies (not only bane mummies).
Ur-Shulgi, The Shepherd: The Tajdid that is retrieved from the library is now revealed.
Web of Knives Recruit: The recruit is now explicitly Independent.
Weeping Stone: Gaining a blood is now optional.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange » ... everything
Legacy Volume 1 – one bundle with everything!

Legacy Volume 1 is a big bundle with one of each Legacy single card for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle currently published on That is 470 cards that you get for $141, which means a 14% discount compared to buying the cards individually. Perfect for collectors!
Es scheint, die Hinweise/Beschwerden von Spielern aus verschiedenen Ländern - darunter Deutschland - führen zu ersten Maßnahmen seitens BCP und DTC. :D
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter June 2021 ... -june-2021
More smart bundling of Drivethrucards Legacy singles should be done when you read this, and of course more such cards are in preparation too. It requires quite a lot of work from many hands - more news on that as soon as its done!
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Auf Facebook:
Black Chantry Productions wrote: Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Legacy card bundles are up! Clan crypt, clan library and discipline bundles for four clans are now available, at a discount. You can still pick and mix freely, but these bundles make it easier if you want a complete set, or for example if you want two of each crypt card of a certain clan. ... rd-Singles

Available so far:
– Assamite crypt cards
– Assamite library cards
– Quietus cards
– Followers of Set crypt cards
– Followers of Set library cards
– Serpentis cards
– Giovanni crypt cards
– Giovanni library cards
– Necromancy cards
– Lasombra crypt cards
– Lasombra library cards
– Obtenebration cards

As messaged earlier, all these cards have been updated with the most recent layout and wording templates. Some also have brand new art, and some have significant functional changes.

More print-on-demand single cards will be published later this year, and similar bundles will appear for these.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter July 2021 ... -july-2021
The next batch of Legacy Card Singles for Drivethrucards has been templated and is now being proofread.
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Re: Black Chantry: Legacy Card Singles

Post by hardyrange »

In einer Diskussion auf Facebook 30.07.21:
Hugh Angseesing wrote:We will hopefully be putting chi cards and other ravnos related cards up on Drivethrucards for print on demand purchases
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