»Don't Cry for Pentex« Lackey League: »The Shadow«

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»Don't Cry for Pentex« Lackey League: »The Shadow«

Post by Rudolf »

Deck Name: Dont Cry for Pentex: The Shadow
Author: Rudolf Scholz
Description: Based on my own deck »And in the Shadows bind them« played successfully at the EC in Berlin 2017.
And, yes, the deck's name is a tribute to »The Gamers«. ;)

»Don't Cry for Pentext« Lackey League 2019 (already using the announced rules / card text changes)
June 17th to July 22nd, 2019
43 players in total
5 rounds (best of 3 mode) plus finals
http://www.vekn.net/forum/lackeyccg/777 ... eague-2019

Crypt (12 cards; Capacity min=4 max=11 avg=9)
2x Ambrosio Luis Monçada, Plenipotentiary 10 aus for DOM OBT POT PRE Lasombra:2
1x Aurora Van Brande, Paladin 6 dom for pot OBT Lasombra:2
1x Francisco Domingo de Polonia 9 pro DOM OBT POT PRE Lasombra:2
1x Gratiano 8 obf pot DOM OBT Lasombra:2
1x Ignacio, The Black Priest 4 dom obt pot Lasombra:2
1x Kassiym Malikhair 6 dom for MYT OBT Kiasyd:2
5x Montano 11 ANI DOM FOR OBT POT Lasombra:3

Library (81 cards)
Master (17)
2x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
2x Heidelberg Castle, Germany
2x Information Highway
1x Sudden Reversal
9x Zillah's Valley

Action (18)
5x Baltimore Purge
5x Govern the Unaligned
4x Graverobbing
4x Mind Rape

Political Action (2)
1x Ancient Influence
1x Banishment

Equipment (4)
3x Learjet
1x Signet of King Saul, The

Ally (4)
4x Nocturn

Action Modifier (32)
1x Blanket of Night
1x Daring the Dawn
2x Enkil Cog
14x Freak Drive
3x Seduction
5x Shadow Play
3x Shroud of Absence
3x Tenebrous Form

Reaction (2)
2x Deflection

Combat (2)
2x Shadow Body

Created with Secret Library v0.9.4e. (Jul 23, 2019 12:46:56)

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Re: »Don't Cry for Pentex« Lackey League: »The Shadow«

Post by Rudolf »

Wer (mehr darüber) erfahren möchte, wie man dieses Deck bzw. diesen Decktyp spielt, dem sei mein Artikel auf "Codex of the Damned" ans Herz gelegt:
https://codex-of-the-damned.org/en/stra ... purge.html
»Wir sind im Auftrag des Herrn unterwegs.«
National Coordinator Germany
nc [dot] germany [at] magenta [dot] de

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