I saw a picture of Erol holding prizes.

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Post by Erol »

Deck Name: Velvet_Underground
Created By: Erol

Crypt: (12 cards, Min: 16, Max: 36, Avg: 6,75)
1 Old Neddacka obf 2 Nosferatu Antitribu
1 Blister obf pot 3 Nosferatu Antitribu
1 Frank Litzpar ani for pot OBF 5 Nosferatu Antitribu
2 Joseph Cambridge ani dom obf POT 6 Nosferatu Antitribu
1 Icarus ani for pro OBF POT 7 Nosferatu Antitribu
2 Tarbaby Jack dom ser ANI OBF POT 8 Nosferatu Antitribu
4 Julio Martinez nec ANI DOM OBF POT 9 Nosferatu Antitribu

Library: (90 cards)

Master (15 cards)
4 Blood Doll
2 Dominate
1 Nosferatu Kingdom
2 Direct Intervention
1 Giant`s Blood
1 Shanty Town Hunting Ground
2 Dreams of the Sphinx
1 Metro Underground
1 Anarch Troublemaker

Action (16 cards)
10 Vermin Channel
6 Govern the Unaligned

Action Modifier (29 cards)
2 Cloak the Gathering
4 Lost in Crowds
4 Marked Path
6 Spying Mission
6 Conditioning
2 Empowering the Puppet King
2 Faceless Night
3 Foreshadowing Destruction

Reaction (19 cards)
9 Deflection
3 Confusion of the Eye
3 Wake with Evening`s Freshness
2 On the Qui Vive
2 Delaying Tactics

Combat (6 cards)
4 Aid from Bats
2 Canine Horde

Ally (1 cards)
1 Mylan Horseed (Goblin)

Equipment (2 cards)
1 Heart of Nizchetus
1 Gran Madre di Dio, Italy

Combo (2 cards)
2 Swallowed by the Night

This file was last saved at 16:36:56 on 08.08.2007

Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart. (Alan Alda)
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Post by Erol »

Hier endlich mal Zeit dafür:

Tournament Report EC2007 from Erol Öngün

Wow, I made it into the finals of this years EC in Gothenburg, I was very happy and excited. My Decklist (Julio Martinez/Vermin Channel stealth/bleed) was checked by Erik Torstensen and it seemed I did it all right. So with 1GW and 7,5 VP I was the second best player after 3 rounds of the second EC Day. The others(in order of their resuslts) were 1. Olivier Perez playing Imbued, 3. József Kuminka playing Inner Circle vote, 4. Ferenc Vasadi playing Big cap Toreador bleed and vote with Aching Beauties and last but not least 5. Christoffer Arvidsson playing Tzimisce wall with War Ghouls. I had some minor problems with the seating because I didnt play with one of the other finalists, so I came in totally blind. And after I chose my seating, Olivier thought it would be a good idea to be my prey, didnt like that, because i know he is a tough nut to crack. So here we have the seating for the final round of the EC 2007:
Olivier Perez(Imbued) -> József Kuminka(Inner Circle) -> Christoffer Arvidsson(Tzimisce) -> Ferenc Vasadi(Toreador) -> Erol Öngün(Vermin Channel)
LSJ and the OrgPlay Oscar Garza were judging the final table. We had a lot of people watching, my friends from Germany were really good Supporters cheering me up, before the game starts. Thanks guys.
So the first round started, the tension was high at the beginning, but with me being lucky, cause I had the Nosferatu Kingdom in my starting hand, unfortunately Old Neddacka was not showing up so I had to put my smallest Vampire in play Frank Litzpar a 5 -Cap. (some of the finalist must have thought "Who the hell is Franlk Litzpar?") before I could play the Nosferatu Kingdom. The other players were bringing minions out too. I was pleased to see that Olivier played Imbued cause with Vermin Channel I had a good weapon to bypass his wall. József was building up quite well with Minion Taps, Christoffer had some problems bringing a War Ghoul into play as Ferenc was blocking with Madame Guil and 2nd Traditions. One of good things Christoffer did was playing a Break the Code early, that was awesome, my chances to get Olivier with that card in play were going higher. The game went on most of time really quitely. It didnt seem that any alliances could be made, I tried to convince the other players to oust Olivier as everybody would step up a rank, but that was rather fruitless. Olivier was building up with more Imbued and securing his position, so did József with Arika, Leandro and Jaroslav Paczek. Christoffer did nothing in fear that József would try to oust him in one turn. So Ferenc tried to put some pressure on me. Madame Guil had two Aching Beauty lying on her and Alexandra was also in play, multi-action Toreador with Toreador Grand Ball, didnt like that. I did my best to reduce Oliviers Pool so I could try to oust him before game ends. I had a good defense in my hand 2 Deflection, 2 Confusion of the Eye, 1 Delaying Tactics and 2 Direct Intervention. I used both of the Directs for Champions, reducing the chances to cancel my bleed actions. Ferenc was bleeding me now more aggressively, I Defelcted his bleeds to Olivier, he just just played Direct Intervention on my Deflections. That he did three turns in a row, with getting the Direct Intervention back through Anthelios/Parthenon combo. That was awfully evil. Then Alexandra wanted to Protect Thine Own my Julio Martinez, that was rather bad for me. I tried to play Confusion of the Eye, Olivier played, guess what, a Direct Intervention on my Confusion of the Eye, so I have to play the Delaying Tactics, that gave me one turn before he could try it next turn again. So we had 30 minutes left and my chances to get help from someone else were zero. I asked József because he had the vote lock. But he didnt care, he let Ferenc make his game. So I had to oust Olivier this turn or would be ending up last. As all my defensive cards were gone I had a good offensive hand, with Vermin Channels, Conditionings and Stealth. My first two bleeds passed without much trouble. Olivier down to 5 pool. I had only one last chance so I bled him with a Govern the Unaligned and played a Lost in Crowds for +2 stealth. Oliviers The Unmasking was canceled out by Break the Code so his last blocking minion had used his Second Sight and his Discern to try to block me, so I played the Conditioning to cycle for stealth, but alas Caine was not with me. So he blocked my bleed. Ferenc now had a easy target for his first VP, as I was tapped out and low on pool from his earlier bleeds. So he ousted me and got his VP. The game ended soon, with nothing more to come and Ferenc was the new European Champion in 2007. He earned it cause he was the only one except me, trying to oust his prey. And that is the game. Congratulation Ferenc. we will meet again. :)

Sidenote: The next card in my library was a Cloak the Gathering, aaaarrrrggghhh.
Be as smart as you can, but remember that it is always better to be wise than to be smart. (Alan Alda)
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