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English Qualifier '07 - Bleedy Kiasyd Toolbox

Posted: 21 May 2007, 17:01
by Sven
Am 12.05. fand in Burton-upon-Trent mit 33 Teilnehmern der englische Qualifier statt. Nachdem ich einen
kleinen Bericht fuer jemanden geschrieben habe, der mir beim Deck-tunen behilflich war, dachte ich, ich
kann den Bericht natuerlich auch hier posten. Das Deck lief jetzt nicht schlecht, auch wenn es noch etwas
besser haette ablaufen koennen, aber lest selbst...

Executive Summary:

Quick Report, as written by Paul Reid Bowen

Well, I was third, not too bad as the game timed out.

Hugh w/ Stanislava Mind Rape 0.5vp vs
Paul Reid Bowen w/Nephandi 0.5 vp vs
Paul Coffey !Ventrue react/bounce 0.5 vp vs
Rob Thompson Ravnos toolbox/bleed/WoK 1.5 vs
Nikki Sehmi presence bleed 0 vps

Well I probably should have been ousted by Stanislava (potential PTOs + unblockable bleeds)
but Hugh took a lot of pool damage early and didn't draw a minion tap
until late in the game. I had a Nephandi stolen cross table (again) which slowed my forward
momentum and I was preying on a bounce machine. In the late game
Rob got bled quite heavily and popped the WoN in order to get pool and a vp. Nikki
fell and it looked as if Hugh would fall next. I was in a position to take my
prey down to 3 pool on my next turn but we timed out. Good fun.

Rob 1st, Hugh 2nd Me 3rd P. Coffey 4th Nikki 5th

Mein Bericht:

Emiliano (Big Malk 1st trad) -> ? (Kahina Extortion Wall) ->
Christian (Nec/Ser blood burn) -> me (Kiasyd)

When we sat down, Emiliano made some comments about being
afraid of contesting with me (turned out he was referring
to the Malk deck I played in Watford). Game started slowly
with players building up. Emiliano wasn't too happy with
his hand and played a 1st tradition at some point. But I
think I profited most from this card. I was able to hold
on to the edge (paying half of the 1st trad costs), the
other players skipped most of the time (Christian had an
Extortion and wanted to know if I would let him bleed for
one, which I denied). Emiliano was slowly ousting himself
and soon the 1st trad was gone. I covincrafted two of his
votes at one point DIing his Telepathic Vote Counting
played on one of the crafts ;-) I promised Christian
to let through a bleed for one (he had 2 Extortions at
this point), only to have the bleed blocked by Kahina
with an Eagle's Sight. Emiliano got a Parity Shift
through, stealing 4 pool from me, but that didn't save
him, I ousted him shortly after that. Then things
turned a bit uglier, Christian got a Temptation on one
of my vamps and the Kahina deck dropped a Smiling Jack
and a Millicent Smith. Christian wouldn't survive the
Smiling Jack for very long, so we agreed to work
together to get rid of Jack. This was made a bit harder
by Millicent (as only one of us could act per round).
Then Christian screwed up by having all his vampires
on no blood (thanks to Jack and Blood Dolls) and having
Millicent, not realizing that Kahina would wait for
the hunt of his most important minion. We solved this
by me blocking Nedal who hunted very carelessly...
The Temptation was a good thing then, as my vamp could
do two actions per round to get rid of the Jack and
we finally got rid of it with 3 counters on it.
Unfortunately, this didn't save Christian and he was
ousted. Now I could bleed forward irresponsibly and
was also able to block some actions and to play some
nice combat cards putting vamps into torpor. Everything
was set up for the oust when time was called. I would
have needed maybe 2 or 3 more minutes.... Doh!

0 GW, 1.5 VP

Round 2: Julien (Lasombra/Blood Brother Dom/Pot) ->
Rob Th. (Ravnos Breed) -> me -> ? (Daughters) ->
? (Valerius fight/block)

This was the strangest game all day. A couple of times
Rob and I were looking at each other and just shaking
our heads. The Daughters weren't really able to make
any impact (I saw Choirs and votes, which didn't really
work out). Unfortunately, my hand consisted largely
of combat and stealth cards (and my bleeds weren't
blocked). Rob sense-depped one of Julien's vampires
with Joaquina. I put a Haven on Joaquina and rushed
her, putting her on 0 blood. As I was pondering with
which vampire to rush next, Rob started whining a
little. I asked my grand-pred if he could handle the
situation himself now (trying to make both of them
happy). He said yes, as long as he gets Pherydima's
vote in a blood hunt vote. Joaquina was put into
torpor, popped out again, hunted, was put back in
and finally diablerized. Then Rob played the next
Sense-Dep on one of Julien's vampires. Meanwhile, I
was slowly able to oust the Daughters. Julien was
getting weaker and weaker and I tried to slow down
Rob (killing Procurers with Quincy). I DIed a
Sense-Dep that was coming my way and finally Julien
was ousted. Pherydima got rushed by some Tremere and
we exchanged blows (resulting in the torporization of
both vampires, which basically sealed the game). When
I told the Valerius player that he had just handed the
Game Win to Rob, but he didn't know what I was talking
about... He didn't believe me that Rob would know just
go right through us. Sure enough Rob dropped a Week
of Nightmares and that was it.

0 GW, 1 VP

Round 3: me -> ? (Matata Rush) -> ? (Madame Guil Alastor) ->
Paul Coffey (!Ventrue react) -> ? (!Ventrue Dom Anarch)

My predator was bleeding heavily right from the start of
the game (using Seductions and Blind Spots). I sure was
glad that I had put in another Deflection the evening before,
but I still had to eat some bleeds. I bloated a little and
bled forward with two Governs (figuring that I couldn't
block too much anyway). This resulted in a back rush of
Matata torporing poor Quincy. I then realized that I had a
brutal rush deck in front of me and told my prey that
I would back off a bit (if he let my vampires live so
I could bloat with Governs and Blood Dolls). He agreed
and went forward destroying his prey's vampires (having
brought a Tension in the Ranks into play on top of that).
Paul was just sitting there and not doing anything (just
complaining about his hand and cycling lots of reactive
cards). The situation looked quite bleak and I was slowly
going down. As my pool reached potential ousting level, I
threatened my prey: he could (a) either help me out a bit
(e.g. by rushing one of the bleed monsters behind me) and
I would chill out and try to stay in the game by bloating
a bit or (b) I would launch a last ditch effort throwing
everything forward trying to oust him (which would put him
into a very vulnerable position even if I failed). He
told me that he would try to help me out and that I should
try to stay in the game. Paul offered to rescue Quincy from
torpor, so I called off the attack and tried to hang in there.
I managed to hold on, but the help from my prey wasn't coming.
He told me that he wanted to oust his prey first and then
help me. I told him that I might not be around that long.
He replied that I could bounce one of the bleeders from my
predator to him and he would get rid of the bleeder. So
I bounced a bleed for 4 or 5 to him and he disposed of the
offending vamp. My grandprey, however, was still on 4 pool,
which would still need at least another turn for my prey
to finish off and I had run out of bleed bounce... So I
went for the kill (my prey was tapped out). I bled him for
about 8 or 9 and took him out of the game. Next turn I took
out my former grandprey. In the meantime, Paul took out
my predator who wasn't looking too well either and had
also run out of bounce. Unfortunately, I lost the one-on-one
fight, as Paul had loads of pool (he hadn't had a predator
for the whole game) and I ran out of cards...

0 GW, 2 VP

End result: 4.5 VP (13th place out of 33). If I had gotten only
1 GW out of rounds 1 or 3, I would have made the final (as
there were only 12 game wins out of total of 21 games and
nobody had more than 1 GW).

Here's the final version of the deck I played:

Crypt [12 vampires] Capacity min: 4 max: 8 average: 6.25

3x Pherydima 8 DOM MYT NEC obt pot bishop Kiasyd:4
2x Omme Enberbenight 7 MYT OBT cel dom priscus Kiasyd:4
2x Roderick Phillips 7 DOM MYT cel obt tha Kiasyd:4
2x Dame Hollerton 5 DOM OBT myt Kiasyd:4
2x Quincy, The Trappe 4 dom myt obt Kiasyd:3
1x Ermenegildo, The R 5 DOM OBT pot Lasombra:4

Library [78 cards]

Action [11]
1x Dominate Kine
7x Govern the Unaligned
1x Pandora's Whisper
1x Riddle Phantastique
1x Song of Pan

Action Modifier [12]
4x Bonding
1x Foreshadowing Destruction
2x Shadow Play
5x Stone Travel

Action Modifier/Combat [6]
6x Fae Contortion

Combat [11]
4x Arms of the Abyss
5x Earth Swords
1x Entombment
1x Shadow Body

Equipment [1]
1x .44 Magnum

Master [16]
5x Blood Doll
1x Direct Intervention
1x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Giant's Blood
1x Haven Uncovered
1x Life in the City
2x Obtenebration
1x Perfectionist
1x Rumor Mill, Tabloid Newspaper, The
1x Sudden Reversal
1x Wash

Reaction [15]
3x Covincraft
6x Deflection
1x Delaying Tactics
3x On the Qui Vive
2x Wake with Evening's Freshness

Reaction/Action Modifier [6]
6x Aura Absorption