... nuary-2022
Ich habe mir das eben angesehen, und empfehle es allen VTES-Spielern, dieINTERVIEW WITH A VAMPIRE LEGEND
CCG History is a Youtube channel dedicated to the history of all kinds of collectible card games. It started about a year ago, and so far we have seen fifty videos, of which about half are the excellent interview podcast “The Booster Pack”. A while ago VTES 1995-1996 designer Shawn Carnes was interviewed, and this month we could enjoy a long talk with non other than L. Scott Johnson, known as “LSJ”, who was the main VTES designer and rulemonger circa 2000-2010. A must-watch for any true VTES fan!
- an der Historie des Spiels interessiert sind oder sogar selbst dabei waren, und
- 70 Minuten Zeit haben. ... ex=6&t=15s