VTES Production Update

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VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter May 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/52 ... r-may-2022
Greetings, fellow Kindred! It's been a good while since I provided an update on where we at Black Chantry are at with Vampire: The Eternal Struggle releases and what's down the road. Last year, we had the release of the Banu Haqim, Brujah, Gangrel, and Ministry pre-constructed decks, as well as the successful Kickstarter for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle Unleashed. Additionally, we made available on Drivethrucards.com the legacy reprints of Followers of Set, Giovanni, Lasombra, and Ravnos, and Latin translations of the Fifth Edition decks.

So far this year, we've made the English language versions of the Fifth Edition decks available on Drivethrucards, as well as legacy reprints of Pander, Salubri, and Tzimisce. April saw the release of the New Blood introductory decks for Malkavian, Nosferatu, Toreador, Tremere, and Ventrue. We're presently waiting for the artwork to be complete for the Fall of London storyline set. Mike Nudd is the lead designer for it, and he also is a co-author of the Fall of London book for Vampire: The Masquerade. We're expecting a summer release for that set.

We have a change in plans for what's coming after Fall of London. We had originally planned to release a follow-up set for the Camarilla, filling out the Group 6 crypts and adding new library cards for them. However, with the heavy Camarilla themes of the New Blood decks and Fall of London, we felt we'd be oversaturating you with Camarilla-related cards. We're presently planning for these cards – including the new Justicars! – to be in your hands in first quarter of 2023.

Coming after Fall of London, planned for the fourth of 2022, is another wave of pre-constructed decks. This time they'll be Ravnos, Salubri, and Tzimisce, updated accordingly for the Vampire: The Masquerade V5 canon. We're presently vetting the templating and mechanics of the cards and we'll have them sent off for playtesting in June. We'll have more information for you about those as we get closer to their release.

Heading into 2023, there's the aforementioned Camarilla follow-up set, and following that we'll have pre-constructed decks for the Lasombra and Hecata. We'll also be wanting to release follow-up sets for all of the clans, as we're definitely not done creating crypt and library cards for them. I'm frequently asked when we'll be making new cards for the Sabbat. We're very early in the concept and planning stages for the Sabbat, so they're further down the production timeline, but we're definitely excited for them.

I wish you all great summer nights and I look forward to seeing you at tournaments this year!

- Ben Peal, Product Director Black Chantry Productions

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Re: VTES Production Update May 2022

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter July 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/52 ... -july-2022
One current concern is the absence of a playtest coordinator, as Darby Keeney has stepped down after many years of splendid duty. Several candidates have been spoken to, and hopefully one or more of them will meet the requirements and be able to commence work immediately. First, that would be the first round of testing for the next preconstructed decks, and also some testing of an exciting rule change and the nerf of a problematic card.
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter August 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/53 ... ugust-2022

Some words from Ben Peal, Product Director of Black Chantry Productions:

Darby Keeney has stepped down as Playtest Coordinator for Vampire: The Eternal Struggle. For the past four years, Darby has helped guide us through our Sabbat pre-constructed decks, the Fifth Edition box set, the First Blood demo decks, the recent Anarch and Banu Haqim decks, the New Blood demo decks, and The Fall of London. The waters were tough to navigate at times - especially with Fifth Edition - but Darby handled them excellently. Many, many, many thanks, Darby!

Moving onward, we're taking a new approach by having multiple Playtest Coordinators, one for each language the game is currently printed in.[*] The goal is to lighten the workload on each coordinator and to encourage more communication and feedback by removing a possible language obstacle.

French language coordinator: Serge Cirri
Spanish language coordinator: Darío Canto
English language coordinator: Norman Brown
Portuguese language coordinator: TBD

[*] Ginés Quiñonero can be the Playtest Coordinator for Latin, if he likes. :)

If you're a native Portuguese speaker and would like to participate in our playtest program, as a playtest group or as the Playtest Coordinator for Portuguese, please email me

• Other parts are moving on, with focus on new promos and other event support, planning/designing future sets, preparing more reprint cards for print-on-demand, updating the rulebook and new translations.
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

https://vtesinformationhighway.wordpres ... ngseesing/

Ein Interview mit Hugh Angseesing, CEO von BCP...
... auch über Pläne von BCP für 2023 z.B. zu Turnier-Formaten, der Zukunft von Proxies, Print-on-demand, ....
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by Rudolf »

hardyrange wrote: 19 Sep 2022, 18:46 https://vtesinformationhighway.wordpres ... ngseesing/

Ein Interview mit Hugh Angseesing, CEO von BCP...
... auch über Pläne von BCP für 2023 z.B. zu Turnier-Formaten, der Zukunft von Proxies, Print-on-demand, ....
Nichts wirklich Neues, aber eine nette Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Themen.
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter September 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/53 ... ember-2022
• Black Chantry is working on a number of new promo cards for various purposes - stay tuned for more news on that!
• BCP love Brazil! Product director and main designer Ben Peal is working on trying to get all the Brazilian playtesters into Discord.
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter October 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/53 ... tober-2022
• The second round of playtesting of the next preconstructed decks (Ravnos, Salubri and Tzimisce) is being prepared, but in the meantime the playtesters have been asked to review a bunch of rule changes and errata suggestions. Exciting times!
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Re: VTES Production Update

Post by hardyrange »

Aus dem Vampire: Elder Kindred Network Newsletter November 2022

https://www.vekn.net/2-uncategorised/53 ... ember-2022
• Playtesters also have had a look at some suggested rules changes and card errata. Those reports are in, so now relevant powers are thinking deep and hard about what to do. If test results are not very clear, more testing and discussions will be needed. More about that when something can be said!
"It was a perfect plan - until it had contact with reality"
Hardy Range
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