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Buying boosters in Munchen

Posted: 03 Jan 2012, 21:36
by Zulufic

sorry I can't speak german.
I just wanted to ask if there is some shop in Munchen still selling boosters for VTES. My friend is going there and he is not a gamer, so I'll need the exact address to write him and explain to him what to buy.

Thanks in advance!

Re: Buying boosters in Munchen

Posted: 04 Jan 2012, 09:50
by the scavenger
Zulufic wrote:Hi,

sorry I can't speak german.
I just wanted to ask if there is some shop in Munchen still selling boosters for VTES. My friend is going there and he is not a gamer, so I'll need the exact address to write him and explain to him what to buy.
As far as I know no gaming stores in Munich have any VTES stock left.
