The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

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The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

In der Runde Bochum hatte ich festgestellt, dass die Nachrichten aus den internationalen Foren zu den neuen Karten sich nicht unbedingt zuverlässig verbreiteten.... dass Danse Macabre rauskommen würde, war ja eigentlich seit über einem Jahr klar; der Set war ja eigentlich schon lange fertig, und wegen der POD-Diskussion nur "geparkt".

Jetzt, wo Danse Macabre ja schon so lange raus ist 8) , will ich daher auch hier in den deutschen Foren die wichtigsten Information über die laufende Entwicklung des nächsten Sets posten.
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Re: Der nächste offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Es begann so: ... y-for-june
Designers' Diary entry for June


As for the next set, I figured I'd update you on its progress. It is an as-yet-unnamed Independent-clan themed set, slated to be 36 cards in size. The clans will be the classic Independent clans: Assamites, Followers of Set, Giovanni, and Ravnos. We have more than 70 cards designed already and more are being designed. We'll be paring the set down to 44 cards or so for playtest. Depending on how cards fare in playtest, cuts will be made and each clan will end up with 5-6 vampires and 3-4 library cards.

The main limiting factor on the size of the set is artwork. We are thrilled to report that the great majority of artists from Danse Macabre will be returning for the next set. We're also looking for more artists, so if you'd like to contribute or if you know an artist who would like to help, please send contact info and portfolios to Gines Quinonero at damnansvtes /at/ ono.


- Ben Peal, V:EKN Design Team Lead
....udn dann wurde es etwas konkreter, inkl. eines weiteren Clans: ... for-august
Designers' Diary entry for August

Hey, everyone!

Round One of playtest for the second V:EKN set is underway! As mentioned earlier, it's an still-as-yet-unnamed Independent-themed set. It was originally slated to be a 36-card set covering the four classic Independent clans, but we were informed by our Art Director, Ginés Quiñonero, that we will have enough artists to expand the set to include Gangrel.

A total of 74 cards have been sent to the playtesters - 45 crypt cards and 29 library cards. The final size of the set will be less than that, in the 60-70 range depending on how the cards fare in playtest. We intended to start playtest at the beginning of July, but we took another month to develop the Gangrel crypt and library cards. Most of the art descriptions have been submitted to Ginés, and we already have our first two completed pieces!


- Ben Peal, V:EKN Design Team Lead
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Re: Der nächste offizielle Independent Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange » ... ry-for-may

Hey, everyone!

We're just about to start Round Three of playtest. Right now we're doing the final sign-off on the cards and then the pdf files will be sent to the playtesters.

The still-as-yet-unnamed set is still slated to have 70 cards (45 crypt, 25 library) and we're well ahead of an Q3/EC release date.

Artwork is progressing apace, with 53 cards sent to artists for artwork. We currently have 31 completed pieces and 7 concept sketches submitted. We're also very excited to have added several new artists, including Laia López and Alejandro F. Giraldo.

Over the coming weeks and months, we'll talk more about what concepts to expect from the new set, as well as more art previews. Speaking of which, here are a couple of previews from Laia López and Alejandro F. Giraldo:

- Ben Peal and the V:EKN Design Team
Last edited by hardyrange on 29 Aug 2014, 12:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Der nächste offizielle Independent Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Hey, everyone!

Round Three of playtest has officially begun! We'll check in with Hugh Angseesing, the Playtest Coordinator, for a mid-round report in a few weeks. For the cards that still don't have art commissions, the mid-round report will help us green-light some of the remaining cards for artwork before the playtest round is over.

Speaking of artwork, one of our returning artists is Riccardo Fabiani. He did the artwork for Instantaneous Transformation in Danse Macabre, and he's completed a handful of pieces for the new set. In addition, he has a kickstarter for one of his projects - a personal travel diary and sketchbook of his travels through such places as Ireland, Romania, Hungary, and Norway. More information is found here: ... 3XHMPldWqA

Here's one of Ricardo's pieces for the upcoming set:


To see more of Ricardo's work, check out his websites:

- Ben Peal and the V:EKN Design Team
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Re: Der nächste offizielle Independent Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Damnans wrote:Hey, everyone!

We're in the home stretch of work on the new set! We are giving the cards one last review before considering them final. Artwork continues to come in, and we now have 54 completed pieces with work on the rest underway. We remain on target for launch at the 2014 European Championship in Mannheim! We're also deciding on the name of the set and the expansion symbol for it, and we'll announce those soon.

We'll start doing previews about two weeks before the EC, showing a pair of cards every other day or so. We'll also have a Design Team presentation at the EC like we did last year, covering design concepts, goals, and challenges.

The art preview this time is from Ari Targownik of California:


- Ben Peal and the VEKN Design Team
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Es ist soweit!!!! :shock: 8) :mrgreen:

Die Previews zum neuen Set "The Unaligned" haben begonnen: ... iews#65550
Official release: October 4, 2014

Legal for Tournament Play: November 3, 2014

Vampire: Elder Kindred Network's second expansion for Vampire: the Eternal Struggle is The Unaligned, which focuses on the main Independent clans: Assamites, Followers of Set, Gangrel, Giovanni and Ravnos. The expansion is released in PDF format.

The set contains 47 crypt cards and 26 library cards.
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Die Infos zum Preview für Assamite:
The Vampire: the Masquerade storyline concluded with Gehenna, cutting short the efforts of the Assamites to join the Camarilla. The Unaligned explores this plot arc more deeply with some emphasis on the Vizier caste and the Assamites' candidate for the Inner Circle. The library cards have a strong focus on the Assamites' combat capabilities.
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Die Infos zum Preview für Followers of Set:
For the Followers of Set in the new expansion, the focus was on adding depth to their crypt options in Group 6. The library cards have a toolboxy feel, adding options for politics, defense, corruption counters, and mummies.
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Die Infos zum Preview für Gangrel:
The crypt cards for Gangrel in The Unaligned add more depth to titled vampires, as well as more overall depth to their crypt in Groups 4-5. Gangrel have needed a lot of help with their library card options, but we didn't want to change their overall theme and feel. We've opted to expand their toolboxy options, as well as give them more time to develop their strategies. We're also thrilled to have fan-favorite Heather Kreiter and Jarkko Suvela return for artwork in the new set!.
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Die Infos zum Preview für Giovanni:
The Giovanni have long under-utilized their Potence in V:TES. In The Unaligned, we've deepened the crypt options and strengthened the Potence in the Giovanni crypt cards for Groups 5-6. The library cards likewise have a strong combat emphasis.
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Re: The Unaligned: der zweite offizielle Karten-Set der VEKN

Post by hardyrange »

Die Infos zum Preview für Ravnos:
In the Week of Nightmares, the Ravnos were nearly wiped out. Those who survived tended to be Ravnos antitribu, so we've included a few Sabbat Ravnos in The Unaligned. The Independent Ravnos in the set help fill some holes in Groups 3-6. The library cards are a mix of combat, bleed, and defense.
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