Muricia calls

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Muricia calls

Post by Rudolf »

Hier noch mein Animalism-Ahrimanen-Deck, dass ich in Budapest gespielt habe.
Erfreulicherweise funktioniert es recht regelmäßig, über Muricias Special Janey oder Célèste in Ahrimanen zu verwandeln! :D

Deck Name: Muricia calls Budapest
Author: Rudolf
Description: Ahrimanes with some Animalism friends.

Based on »Ahrimane Animalism Balanced Approach« by Matias Frosterus

Justicar Retribution XVII: Leave the Best Behind
Standard constructed tournament
Sun 14.07.2013
3 rounds + finals
16 Players

Crypt (Capacity min=3 max=7 avg=5.5; 12 cards)

1x Célèste Lamontagne 5 for ANI PRO !Gangrel:4
3x Effie Lowery 5 obf ANI SPI Ahrimane:4
1x Gentha Shale 6 pot spi ANI PRE Ahrimane:4
1x Janey Pickman 6 for ANI PRO !Gangrel:4
3x Muricia 7 ANI PRE SPI Ahrimane:4
2x Sahana 5 pre pro spi ANI Ahrimane:4
1x Stick 3 ANI !Nosferatu:4

Library (88 cards)

Master (17 cards)
3x Dreams of the Sphinx
1x Fame
3x Guardian Angel
1x Pentex(TM) Subversion
2x Powerbase: Montreal
5x Villein
2x Wider View

Event (2 cards)
1x Dragonbound
1x Narrow Minds

Action (16 cards)
1x Abbot
9x Deep Song
2x Engling Fury
3x Entrancement
1x Nose of the Hound

Equipment (1 cards)
1x Ivory Bow

Ally (1 cards)
1x Carlton Van Wyk (Hunter)

Retainer (4 cards)
1x J. S. Simmons, Esq.
2x Raven Spy
1x Tasha Morgan

Reaction (17 cards)
4x Cats' Guidance
1x Ears of the Hare
2x Falcon's Eye
1x On the Qui Vive
9x Speak with Spirits

Combat (25 cards)
9x Aid from Bats
1x Canine Horde
9x Carrion Crows
2x Leapfrog
2x Taste of Vitae
2x Terror Frenzy

Combo (5 cards)
5x Swiftness of the Stag

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